If a man wants to promote women, help them realize how amazing they are, do you find it offensive or empowering?

In this episode of the Happy to Offend You podcast I interviewed Brad Walsh. Brad is the Podcasting Expert that focuses on empowering women. He is a podcast coach, podcast host & producer at Empowerography Podcast. He is also the wwner & principal photographer of Visuphoria Photography. Brad created the idea of EMPOWEROGRAPHY as a platform to highlight strong, inspired and dynamic women to share their stories of success, triumph, resiliency and transformation. In this conversation Brad shared if some women found themselves offended or empowered. He also explained why he's happy to offend you by being authentic himself.

Check out this episode & get offended.. or, empowered.

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Empowerography Website: https://www.empowerographypodcast.com/

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