We all have our bad days, weeks or months. We all get scared from emotions sometimes. And, we all had some dark thoughts at some point.

But, how & how much does that affect our lives? Unfortunately, sometimes enough to lead to the path that doesn't allow us to come back.

In the first episode of the Happy to Offend You Podcast we touched one sensitive and very important topic that may offend someone. I interviewed Jackie Simmons, a Conscious Transformational Coaching Community Leader, Author, TEDx Speaker & Your Brain ON Positive Podcast Host. Jackie helps coaches and healers create and sustain radical self-confidence and certainty in the outcomes their clients get from working with them. She is a multi-certified expert in mindset, manifestation, energetic healing, and transformation. In this conversation, Jackie shared a story about a moment that was shocking for her as a mother that has lead her to a mission that saves lives.

Learn how to help in preventing teen suicides or teach them the skills to resist such thoughts before they need them.

Check out this amazing interview!

Sing Our Song Website - mission to end teen suicide by the end of 2025: singoursong.com

Teen Suicide Prevention Society: https://teensuicidepreventionsociety.com/

Conscious Transformational Community of Coaches and Healers: https://jackieac2922.clickfunnels.com/success-journey-academy-events

Join our Facebook group for business owners to get help or help other business owners!

The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

Looking to scale your business? Get free gifts here to help you on your way: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com/


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